I was away for the weekend so I didn’t post my prayers, but I am back now, as we come to the last ten days of our Summer Prayer Challenge. Today’s focus is State & local senators and representatives. I confess I knew some but not all the names of my elected officials, so I looked them up, so I could pray by name. I have listed my people here, but also included websites so you can find out who your officials are, if you live in a different area.

To find your State Senators and State Representatives, you can go here.
My Representative to Congress is Peter Defazio, and my Senators are Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden.

For state government, you can go here to find out who represents your area.

James Manning

James I. Manning, Jr.

My State Senator is James I. Manning, Jr.

Julie Fahey and Nancy Nathanson are the Oregon House Representatives for the Eugene area.

I am also praying for our Lane County Sheriff, Clifton G. Harold, and the Eugene Chief of Police, Chris Skinner, and the Springfield Chief of Police, Richard L. Lewis.

Sheriff Harrold

Clifton G. Harrold,
Lane County Sheriff

Police Chief Chris Skinner

Eugene Police Chief Chris Skinner

Chief Lewis

Springfield Police Chief, Richard L. Lewis,

As always, my purpose in my prayer posts is not to comment on politics or policy, but to simply prayer that God would be influencing these leaders toward his purposes. I pray He would give them the strength to do what is wise, right, and just. To make the hard decisions, and sometimes unpopular ones, if they are in fact the best decisions. I pray they would truly serve the people. Help them not to give in to pressures or pride, but to serve in honesty and humility. I pray that Christian believers in their lives would know more appropriately how to pray for them and influence them, and I pray that if they don’t already know Jesus, they would come to know Him.

These people have difficult jobs, and I truly do not envy these positions. But I do pray for them, and I thank God for their willingness to serve, and I pray that God’s will would be done through their work.

In the Lord’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water
that He channels toward all who please him.
Proverbs 21:1