WEEK 3 – Share with those in need

“Is [fasting] not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him” Isaiah 58:7a ESV

This week is about our attitudes toward “stuff” and giving to others.

Community Fast (Daniel Fast – Daniel 1:8-17; 10:2-3)

Giving up: Comfort, Control, Excess

Alive to: Generosity, Trusting in God for our Needs

The Hot Meal Challenge

Since this week is about giving to the hungry, homeless and naked, we have a special “group project” this week, to get rid of excess, and to give to those who are in need. Follow prompts each day about finding quality items in your home to give away, or possibly buying something for someone who is in need.

We also invite you to join our “hot meal” challenge: plan a day to take hot meals to the homeless, invite someone over for dinner who is struggling, or maybe just buy a cheeseburger and deliver it to someone on the street. Begin to think about it now, and try to do something along these lines before the fast ends!

Day 15: Sunday, March 15

Snack: Matthew 6:22-24

Meal: Matthew 6:22-34

Ask yourself: How is it going? Check in with your Fasting Buddy. Decide if you will change anything in your personal fast this week. Use today for rededication. Did you blow it last week? It’s a new day! Rededicate yourself to God today.

Action Challenge: This week is about Giving Up: comfort, control, and excess, and becoming Alive To: generosity, and trusting in God for our needs. Consider your perspective on temporary and eternal things.

Day 16: Monday, March 16

Snack: Matthew 6:1-4

Meal: Matthew 6:1-21

Ask yourself: Look around your home. How much “stuff” do you have? Is your “stuff” making your house a nice, peaceful place to be, or is it piling up and taking over?

Action Challenge: Buy or Find at least 5 items of food you can give away. Gather non-perishable foods to bring to a donation center, or if you have already removed all your non-fast-friendly food, make sandwiches and give them away as you drive around town.

Day 17: Tuesday, March 17

Snack: Matthew 6:19-21

Meal: Deuteronomy 14:22-15:18

Ask yourself: In general, how easy is it for you to give? What are your attitudes towards your stuff? Why do you think this is?

Action Challenge: Buy or Find at least 5 pieces of good quality clothing/shoes you can give away. Put them in your car to bring to a donation center, or pass out as you drive around town on your daily business.

Day 18: Wednesday, March 18

Snack: Matthew 25:34-36

Meal: Matthew 25

Ask yourself: What is your attitude toward homeless people? When you see someone begging, how do you feel/what do you think about them? When you see someone who is in need, do you assume it is their own fault, or do you ask for God’s perspective, and simply focus on how to love them?

Action Challenge: our church’s men’s and women’s Bible studies have special projects today. What is something you can do to be of practical help in your community?

Day 19: Thursday, March 19

Snack: Malachi 3:8-12

Meal: Malachi 3

Ask yourself: Consider your own finances and eating habits. Are there areas where you are spending frivolously, and that money could instead be used to bless another person? What percentage of your money do you give to the church? In what ways are you giving to other charity or the less fortunate? Why are you giving / not giving in such a way? What might God be calling you to do differently?

Action Challenge: Buy or Find at least 5 helpful home items you can give away (linens, towels, toiletries, dishes, furniture, working appliances). Bring them to a donation center, especially if you know of a place that give directly to those in need instead of reselling the items. Or give to someone you know needs something!

Day 20: Friday, March 20

Snack: 2 Cor 9:6-9

Meal: 2 Corinthians 9

Ask yourself: Are you giving cheerfully or reluctantly?

Action Challenge: Have you done something for the “hot meal” challenge yet? Consider joining with your family or a friend to bless someone in need with some practical help.

CONSIDER how God might be asking you to make some lasting changes in your life, in order to make a lasting difference in the life of someone else.

Day 21: Saturday, March 21

Snack: 2 Cor 9:10-15

Meal: Philippians 4

Ask yourself: How hard has this fast been so far? What is the hardest part? Why do you think this is?

Action Challenge: Make a list of the blessings you have experienced so far as part of this fast.